Layer is a Los Angeles based architecture practice founded by Lisa Little and Emily White.



Emily White holds a Master of Architecture from the Southern California Institute of Architecture  (SCI-Arc) and a Bachelor of Arts from Barnard College, Columbia University. She has lectured and published on topics ranging from manufactured islands to the history of code in fibrous architecture. Her work has been exhibited in numerous museums and galleries. She has taught design studios at the University of Southern California, the University of California at Berkeley and Woodbury University. Emily is currently full-time faculty at SCI-Arc .



Lisa Little holds a Master of Architecture from the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) and a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. Lisa worked as an Associate at Patrick Tighe Architecture for three years. Prior to that she was a designer in the office of Pugh+Scarpa Architects. At both of these firms she gained extensive design and project management experience working on retail, affordable housing, single family residential, and commercial projects. Previously, she was the Director of the Flame and Inferno software development team at software developer Discreet Logic and a hardware design engineer at Abekas Video Systems developing hardware systems for film and television post production. Lisa is a licensed architect in the state of California.




Emily White
Lisa Little
A Loose Horizon
3 Horned Beast
Chartreuse House
Squid Capsule
Fat Fringe
Post Production Facility
60 Broadway